explore unlisted marketplace

Unlisted shares are securities or financial instruments that are not listed in the stock market. An unlisted public company is one which is not listed on any stock exchange but can have an unlimited number of shareholders to raise capital for any commercial venture.

Unlisted Assets is a leading platform facilitating buying, selling and exploring unlisted shares in India through a transparent and secure process, leveraging intelligence and technology for a seamless transactional experience.

the challenge

Unlisted Assets is among the first few platforms that facilitate online trading of unlisted shares, which otherwise is prevalent in offline markets only. The landing page was going to be the first point of contact between a trader and our platform, hence it was imperative that we convince the users to sign up, thereby increasing conversions!

01. discover

getting warmed-up!

We conducted in-depth research including competitor analysis to understand the industry benchmark for the FinTech industry. It Included the study of platforms such as Robinhood, SBI NRI, and Kraken.

It allowed us to make better decisions regarding the UI (Illustrations, animations, micro-interactions) and the UX (Information-architecture, navigation system, etc.)

02. ideate

the good part

The ideation phase included creation of wireframes. The decisions for information architecture and overall layout were based on our objectives and best practices. It was important for us to establish trust with our customers to convince them to convert and bring their unlisted trade to our platform.

03. design

making it real